This little text is intended as a pointer on how to spend those early level-up points to best effect and most immediate gain. It is intended for the *newcomer* to Diablo, and many experienced players may have an entirely different method... How to distribute level up points is a science in itself, and there are at least two philosophies about it. One, that mostly the experienced players tend to use, is to be as economical as possible about it and get a character to maxed stats as early as possible. I do NOT recommend this approach to people new to this game, as that will mean making a lot of compromises and sacrifing A LOT of immediate gain for a long-term goal. As I play a lot of variant characters (check out http: // for all the possibilities), and LOVE to raise new chars anyway, I tend to use the other approach: I try to get the maximum possible IMMEDIATE benefit from every level-up point I spend. I highly recommend this approach to every newcomer ;) And, most important: I'm not going to give EXACT instructions on how to spend your points. No "4:1 between DEX and VIT for level 1-6, then 3:1:1 for 7 levels, the 1:1:3 then..." as, IMHO, there are too many random elements in Diablo to make this a working approach. There's always a call for some common sense to be made ;) Many things do depend HEAVILY on the items you find, the enemies you face, and the books and shrines you find early up. And, on a side note, I think it's more important to know what you're doing and WHY, than following pre-cast rules ;) (Note, also, that most requirements for items increase in increments of 5 - thus it has no use to raise by 2 or 3...unless it's a magic requirement of 17, for instance ;) So, first things first. One has to realize just WHAT the stats really do... STRENGTH... Diablo is only good for two things: dealing damage and using heavy armor and weapons. Unlike in certain other RPG systems, you gain NO to-hit chance from it ;) The equations for dealing damage are: Warrior: DAM=(STR*LVL)/100 - as you see, at low levels STR is USELESS for that ;) Rogue: DAM=((STR+DEX)*LVL)/200 - even more useless for a rogue AND can be substituted with DEX Sorcerer: DAM= (STR*LVL)/100 - I THINK... to be honest: I haven't looked at my sorcerers' melee damage in AGES. Max STR of 45 won't give much of a damage boost... ever. ;) The requirements for weapon and armor can be seen in the info screen or looked up in Jarulf's guide. (URL below) DEXTERITY... good for three things: to-hit, AC, and blocking chance if you're using a shield (and damage for rogues) To-hit: 1% per 2 DEX AC: 1 point of AC per 5 DEX Blocking: roughly 1% per DEX point (depends on level difference to attacker as well) MAGIC... the ability to HIT with spell attacks, MANA (1 per MAG point for warriors and rogues, 2 for sorcerers) and the ability to read more books and raise your spell levels. Remember: magic attacks are by far the most powerful ones in Diablo. VITALITY... ... gives hitpoints. Nothing more nothing less. And, an important thing to keep in mind: Once level 26 (in multi) or in hell (dungeon levels 13+, single player) you can BUY STR, DEX and MAG in form of elixiers. But not VIT. Now: how to distribute the points for each of the classes for maximum IMMEDIATE profit: Warrior: Golden rule for young warriors: when in doubt raise DEX! To-hit chance is THE most important stat for a warrior (no matter what your damage is, it's exactly zero if you miss...), BLOCKING with a shield can actually be a substitute for armor and, early on, 1 AC from a level up is nothing to be looked down on. STR should ONLY be raised in order to wear better armor (IF you find some) or use a bigger weapon. You will do well for quite some time with a STR of 30, later 40. Full plate and the like won't appear until quite far into the game. So, I generally put just enough points into STR to use the best available items, and start pumping points into it AFTER DEX is maxed (which usually happens before lvl 15 anyways =). MAG for a young warrior means basically four spells: healing (17 MAG required), holy bolt (20, for Black Deaths ;) town portal (20) and firewall (27). If you have the requirements to read those books from items - fine. If not, it pays to invest in MAG a bit - but no more. VIT gives something a young warrior already has in abundance: hitpoints. I personally hate to be hit. Thus, I strongly prefer avoiding hits to being able to take one or two more. I don't put level ups into VIT until lvl 26, when all other stats can be raised by Elixiers. Up to then I can live (and live well IMHO) on the hp gained from items and level ups. Also, +hitpoint items seem to be the most abundant ones at low levels (at least they have been for me the last 2 years ;) Rogue: Again, DEX is paramount, with a bit more care to be taken for magic as a rogue can use it to very good effect. As rogues even gain damage from DEX (in addition to the other benefits), STR gets even more useless. Raise it to use a better bow or to wear a good set of mail, should you find it, but don't waste a single extra point for it. MAG is much more useful. A rogue should always be able to read books of useful spells she comes upon, so make sure you meet the requirements for a book of Stone Curse (51), Fireball (48), CL (54) or Mana Shield (25) when you find them (and of course for the spells mentioned in the warrior section before ;). If you have the MAG from items, fine - otherwise, every point in magic pays. VIT, IMHO, is pointless for a young rogue. She can kill with her short bow from a safe distance from the very start, and can use Mana Shield once the going gets tough. Points spent for VIT before lvl 26 are wasted. Sorcerer: To put it harshly: Every single point NOT put into magic in early levels is a waste. Only exception: if you gain MORE magic by some item if you raise STR in order to wear it. So, if, for example, you find a set of chain mail that raises MAG by 10, but requires 5 more STR to wear, by all means raise STR ;) Even if you plan to wear heavy armor later and be a Battle Mage - early on, EVERY sorcerer is an Arti Mage. The old myth that sorcerers are hard to get started comes from people raising STR, DEX and VIT and trying to actually BEAT monsters with sticks ;) A lvl 1 sorcerer comes fully equipped with the most devastating weapon that ANY of the chracters have until VERY much later - a lvl 2 firebolt spell. Add in a staff with 40 (!!) free charges of charged bolt (can even be recharged by himself) he's ready to kill everything with ONE shot! And each level up gives 10 more mana from magic (up to 3 shots ;) in addition to the lvl up mana bonus. AND MAG increases damage of these spells. AND the to-hit chance. PLUS you can read every book you find (or buy from the witch). MUCH later, once you actually have a chance to find the items for it (which is basically in hell), you can start to consider going battle mage and raising STR (maxes quickly once you are 26 and buy elixiers), then DEX later. A sorcerer NEVER needs STR for damage or DEX for to-hit. Arty mages NEVER need STR or DEX at all. A battle mage needs to wear full plate, and can profit a little bit from blocking. Vitality is completely useless. At early levels 1 hp per VIT won't help a bit, at later levels you'll be using Mana Shield. Raise VIT if all other stats are maxed... not a second sooner ;) WEll, it's my utterly biased point of view, but it has worked fine for several dozen characters so far ;) And, a word about my bias against vitality: IMHO, the difficulty of the game is NOT affected by how many hits you can survive on one life ball. It's affected by how often you get hit, and how often you hit back. A few hitpoints *might* prolong the dying process in a tight spot for a second, or two at best. In a tight spot, it takes A LOT of experience to use this little second to rescue yourself. It makes the game MUCH easier if you avoid getting into a tight spot in the first place. Hitting the enemies more often helps with that, blocking more often helps, better AC helps. More hitpoints don't. They don't prevent getting swarmed, or getting stunlocked. As soon as you learned the absolute basics - that is, to advance carefully and when to drink a pot - you'll notice the only thing hitpoints do is determine how long you can stay down on one inventory (or belt) full of pots. Have fun :-) Armin
How Important Is Art To The Mission Of The Church?
I’ll be the first to admit, I love art. I also love the church.
For a long time, these worlds have been at odds. Some pastors embrace the arts. Others fear it.
Some artists embrace the church. Others hate it with a passion.
Can these two worlds be reconciled? Should they be?
If you’re a creative, I’m sure you’ve wondered if your arts fits within the four walls of the church.
If you’re a pastor, you’ve probably asked the same question regarding the artists in your congregation.
We’re going to explore two views today. Then, I want to hear your take in the comments.
Matter of fact, you should tweet this post to your followers so they can discuss as well.
Ready? This is going to get good…
View #1: Art Is Beautiful, but not Essential
I’ve been having many conversations surrounding this idea recently.
If the office of an “artist” was so essential to the mission of the church, why didn’t Jesus add it to the list of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher?
Why isn’t there a separate category for the artist?
The New Testament is about people. It’s about discipleship.
Art, by itself, does not equip people to do ministry, which is the main purpose of the church.
So while art it beautiful, it simply can’t be an end in itself.
View #2: Art Is An Essential Part of God’s Purpose and Plan
On the other side are those in favor of the arts. Often I hear phrases like this:
- Why does the devil have to have all the good music?
- The church should be at the forefront of creativity
- Since God is a creative being and we’re made in His image, we’re made to create.
There’s something beautiful about art. It’s completely human, yet it reveals the mystery of the Gospel in unique ways.
Arts captures attention. It invites people into a story.
While artist may not have been included as one of the fivefold ministry gifts, artists can function as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher.
It could even be argued that this generation can only be reached through the arts.
Without art, our ministry wouldn’t engage culture. We’d sit in our church buildings, clench our theology and watch as the world passes us by.
Where Are You?
I don’t think anyone would say that art isn’t important – that it has no place.
But how important is it to the mission of the church? I know art has a significant place in the Old Testament, but where do you see it in the New?
I need your feedback. How important is art to the mission of the church? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
I would love to hear some feedback from other creatives and pastors that you know. If you think this discussion is necessary and helpful, please share the post via the social network icons below. Thank you so much!
This is why when I see people who are seriously gifted in the arts, I sing a little song of thankfulness and maybe even do a little happy dance.
A film or videogame that is fictional and communicates some aspect of how the Kingdom of God works in the world in a way that requires a deep understanding to fully grasp, yet draws people in with its intrigue or unexpected nature.
To God AT Play, be thankful there is enough of a market to support some art. (I do not believe in uncontrolled capitalism, but it is a very! important ingredient in a very delicate balancing act). With 7 billion people in the world now, 6 billion would change places with us in a heart beat. How much art can we create living in 3rd world poverty. But, to whom much is given , much is required.Which now ties in. Art can make us aware through second hand experience that so much of the world is dying in poverty with out Christ. Words alone usually don’t move us. But art in its various forms can. We talk a lot about worship nowadays, we are called to worship our Creator. But, the Church was “commanded” to go into all the world. Are we doing that, or is our art a distraction. (Another balancing act).
In studying history, we often come to the conclusion that something omitted meant that it was universally important and understood. We can ask, is food and water important to the mission of the Church?
Back to God AT PLAY, about mystery. Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God,,, Mystery is part of being a Christian. You are also very correct to say that Christ met people where they were, and spoke to them using things in their world they could relate to. It won’t be long before those 7 billion people all have smart phones. The art and science capable of changing the world is now in your hands.
Some type of creativity is in all of us, God placed it there.